We have limited availability on certain items and products for the next few weeks.
We will be back to normal the 1st week in August.
We are unable to ship any items, so all device sales that require shipment will be turned off until then. For ARCstream LIVE and PLUS.
We will not be able to set up any new accounts.
All current active accounts will continue as normal. However, this only applies to accounts that are active.
If you need to pay for an account that is past due, you would have received a link. If the link has expired then you can sign back up again in August. email is available 24/7 and we will respond to everyone normally within 24 hours.
Join our facebook group for additional assistance. https://www.facebook.com/groups/145693732679511
or email us.
More details about the services will be available once we are back to normal in August.
Thank you